It’s no secret this year is, Dare I say , the most trying for everyone. Our social Media is full of negativity. People burning bridges with their loved ones. No end in sight. Maine is no different then any other part of the world.
As a Mother I have never felt so helpless. I try to answer all the questions they have about what is currently happen and what the future holds. Lets be real, none of us know the answers. I just know that my children’s mental health and physical health is concern. I want to make sure that even when school I not in session or they can’t go into a store with no mask, they find one thing that has some normalcy in their lives.
Maine-ly has opened their doors back up as of June 1st and been the one staple left in my girls lives. 9 years ago yesterday Delani Sher started her point of no return with her paperwork to buy Maine-ly and has never looked back since. She has created a place where trust and love take care of our girls in a safe space.
I have always said that I think Gymnastics is a great sport for ANY child to start in. It teaches you disciple, strength, coordination and most of all grit. What not every gym will teach them…… is how to be a well rounded person and how an individual sport, is STILL a team, a Family.
The Marrium-webster dictionary defines, Grit a; firmness of mind or spirit : unyielding courage in the face of hardship or danger.
We all have hardships in our life, we all have a story, but how we deal with or overcome, adversity and change is what defines us. Thats what builds a great overall person. As a parent have trusted Decal with part of that responsibility and I would encourage my Community to as well. These kids this year lost their chance at States and Regionals (My daughters first year competing) this year, were out of the gym for about 2.5 months and didn’t miss a beat coming back. Grit guys, Grit.
This Past season I was trusted with team photos for Decal and some chalk sessions. Check out this amazing team and Staff.
Happy Maine-ly Day ya’ll!!!
Decal Staff
I mean don’t they look like a load of fun!?!?
Delani, Carol and Alexis