Times are hard right now guys…….Our reality is nothing we could have ever imagined and for a small business owner like myself it’s really scary. I have faith in Mainers that we will shop small, support small businesses and get through this.
My girls are out of school until at least May 4th. The home grind is real and like I’ve said in the past, I am not cut out to be a stay at home mom. Shit got real when I tried to bring them to the park and it was closed. Judge me if you want but the anxiety just kicked in and I balled my eyes out. I felt so helpless, trapped and struggling to accept this is just life now. Maine is now officially on lockdown and unfortunately it’s going to get worse before it gets better.
Remember the days when life was simple? When everyone would say it’s flu season, cover your mouth when you sneeze, wash your hands and that was the end of it. Remember when you could go to the grocery store and everything you needed was fully stocked, all at one store, and even toilet paper. Those were the days…am I right? I miss that, the simplicity, the ordinary , the mundane.
Remember the days….. when we all just needed a bada** portrait on our decked out bike
Remember the days when…..one pedal in front of the other was all we had to worry about.
Remember when…. handle bar tassles were a must
remember when……no handbars
Remember when our focus was better….
remember when….. your sister was always your shadow
When bike tassels were the bomb…
Remember when…… the Koolaid man would bust down your door
Remember when……. dirty hands and goldfish everyday of spring
remember when…… you just wanted to do what your sister could
Remember when ……. we could gather with friends around the fire for good conversation and laughs
Oh the excitement….
Remember when ……..bubbles were goals
Well, I’m here to say that, we will get back there. It may not be right away or next month or even next season but we will defiantly get there. I know that it’s hard right now to see the positives but enjoy the time with your family, the deep cleaning you never get done and the slow down of life. When that day comes, when life resumes, I have no doubt we will appreciate everything and everyone a whole lot more I know I sure as hell will. <3
Stay safe and healthy my friends